Verb Groups  動詞(どうし)のグループ【Japanese grammar commentary】


Elementary grammar

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Verb Groups   動詞(どうし)のグループ

 Verbs in Japanese are conjugated and connected to different grammatical forms.
 Verbs are classified into three groups according to their type of conjugation.
 Here we explain how to classify them into different groups based on their ますform.


※Vますform(動詞ます形 どうしますけい):The form that a verb takes when used with ます(masu) is called”ますform.”



In theⅠgroup of verbs, the letter before "ます" is in the "い"column.
Please refer to the syllabary chart below.

Examples of verbs in I-groups

 書きます(かきます, write),  聞きます(ききます, listen),

 泳ぎます(およぎます, swim),  飲みます(のみます, drink),

   呼びます(よびます, call), 作ります(つくります, make),...etc.




In theⅡ group of verbs, the letter before "ます" is in the "え"column.
Please refer to the syllabary chart below.

Examples of verbs in Ⅱ-groups

寝ます(ねます, sleep), 食べます(たべます, eat), つけます(turn on),

教えます(おしえます, teach), 閉めます(しめます,close),

開けます(あけます, open), ...etc.


※There are some exceptions to the verbs in the Ⅱ group, where the character before "ます" can be in the "い"column.

Examples of special verbs in Ⅱ-groups

見ます(みます, see),  起きます(おきます, get up),

います(be), 借ります(かります, borrow)...etc.




Only "します(do)" and "来ます(きます,come)" belong to the Ⅲ Group verbs.

However, the form "noun + します" and compound verbs using "来ます" are also included here.

Examples of verbs in Ⅲ-groups

します(do),  来ます(きます,come), 持って来ます(もってきます, bring)

N+します   勉強します(べんきょうします, study),

     買い物します(かいものします, go shopping)...etc.